What not to do a week before you say I DO…

So, it’s the week you’ve been waiting for – it’s the week of your wedding day! Of course you want to be even more beautiful and more fabulous than ever.


NO tanning, NO hair extensions, NO dying your hair, NO crash diets, NO tattoos and NO cosmetic procedures. When you are within days of your wedding, these are things you absolutely DO NOT want to do.

My advice to all of you brides and grooms that have just gotten engaged – experiment now. If you feel you need to lose a few lbs before your special day, lose weight smartly through diet and exercise (and before you size your dress/tux!). If you want to see what you’d look like with longer hair, shorter hair or a different hair color, try on wigs before you break out the hair dye! Wigs are a great substitute and the best part is, you can take it off easily if you end up not liking it. As far as tattoos, they are forever, so be absolutely sure you don’t mind them peaking out over your strapless dress, and as always, keep in mind that after a few years they may not look the same. Besides, who wants a flaky, itchy, not-yet-healed tattoo on their wedding day? Ick! And lastly, cosmetic procedures, well…remember he or she fell in love with you for you!

Don’t over think it, just say I DO!